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Application 1034

Removing organic molecules from large volumes of water

Organic molecules contaminate many products and waste streams, and are a common target for remediation. Activated carbon is a widely used adsorbent to capture organic molecules from aqueous solutions (like wastewater), and offers a very wide range of applications thanks to its unspecific method of adsorption. At the same time, activated carbon can cause fouling of another kind by the particles breaking down into smaller fines. This dust-like material is very cumbersome to remove from the liquid afterwards.

The rotating bed reactor (RBR) is a technology for applying adsorbents and other solid materials with chemical function to process a liquid. The RBR has been proven to protect the adsorbent from mechanical degradation, making even large scale deployment of activated carbon considerably more convenient.

In this application note, the rotating bed reactor RBR S100 was used to remove the organic molecule Methylene blue from 7000 L of water. The concentration was monitored using a spectrophotometer. More than 95% of the contaminant was removed in less than 40 minutes by adsorption onto the activated carbon.

Graph showing the decline of color versus time

By using a rotating bed reactor, SpinChem’s customers have been able to remove unwanted organic molecules from valuable products and from waste streams. The processes have been made more cost-efficient than any alternative, and sometimes even formed the only possible solution.

Let SpinChem help you with your remediation task. Reach out to us today!


The SpinChem® rotating bed reactor RBR S100 was filled with 79 L of activated carbon and installed in a vessel containing 7000 L of water. The dye Methylene blue was used to represent an organic molecule, and the concentration was monitored using a spectrophotometer.