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Application L2102

New frontiers in enzyme immobilisation: Robust biocatalysts for a circular bio-based economy

Roger A. Sheldon, Alessandra Basso, and Dean Brady

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50(10), pp. 5850-5862.

An interesting review in which the authors conclude the following key learnings:

(1) The advantages and limitations of immobilised enzymes in industrial applications

(2) The different technical and regulatory requirements using immobilised enzymes

(3) The different enzyme immobilisation methods

(4) The different reactor technologies for immobilised enzymes and biocatalysis in general

(5) Recent advances in enzyme immobilisation for better production economy


Comparison of different reactor types for enzyme immobilization including packed bed, fluidized bed, stirred tank, and rotating bed reactors with fluid flow directions indicated



  • ”A further refinement, the rotating bed reactor developed by SpinChem [...], involves using a catalyst-containing compartment attached to the propeller stirrer."
  • "This technology combines the benefits of an STR and a packed bed and has been scaled up successfully to more than 100 litres scale.”